The special bond between Joe Thornton and deceased Tragically Hip frontman Gord Downie
The Athletic 

The special bond between Joe Thornton and deceased Tragically Hip frontman Gord Downie

RIP, Gord. What an incredible story.



Raise your hand if you're like me and you had no idea that NHL star Joe Thornton was good friends with Tragically Hip frontman Gord Downie, before Downie's passing in 2017. I love Jumbo Joe, I love The Hip and I had no idea that the two were ever connected until today's column for The Athletic from Joshua Kloke.

Kloke examines the bond that Thornton and Downie had, how the two affected each other in their respective careers and how Downie continues to inspire Thornton.

Check it out by clicking the link below:

Source: Joshua Kloke